Semi-finalists 2022: Video presentation

The assignment for each of the semi-finalists was to create a short learning video on a topic that was chosen for them. The idea behind the assignment was to show us the creativity, initiative, research of content, willingness to learn (it was the first time any of the semi-finalists made a video) and how they took on the challenge. It is also a way for you to find out more from and about our semi-finalists. Enjoy!!

Lynette Maja (aka the Boss Lady)
Executive Business Assistant, MTN

Andi Mynhardt
EA - Starke-Ayres

Louisa Kambile
EA - Medical Council of SA

Anel Vermeulen
PA / Acquisitions Officer. Dept of Transport and Public Works

Christelle Blaauw
EA - Audi SA

Thamaray Francis
Administrator - UNISA

Craig Maritz
Executive Business Assistant. MTN

Michelle York
PA - Dept Transport and Public Works

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